Pros and Cons of Being a Software Developer
I’m a front-end software engineer at Acorns. Before that, I worked as a full-stack software engineer at Glidewell. I personally really love what I do. I love solving problems, and I could see myself doing this for a long time. I once read that you shouldn’t ask yourself “What...
7 Mistakes I Made In DynamoDB
When I was working at Glidewell, I was a regular participant of the weekly gym classes. They had regular 12-week health challenges where doing physical activities can earn points, which earn prizes, and I volunteered to help them make an application that automatically calculates and displays points. Because Glidewell...
How To Make a Portfolio Website
You can make a website. You have the technical skills. Now what? Why hasn’t anyone hit you up to pay you to make a website for them yet? How come only your cheapskate friends hit you up to make them one for free? Although many potential clients, recruiters, and...